
AfroBanyolina gana premio “Banyolí de l’Any”

La joven politóloga bañolense Nahi Drammeh ha sido reconocida esta noche con el Premio Banyolí del Año 2020. Politóloga de 26 años, Master en Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales, recientemente ha sido designada Joven Embajadora por el programa ONE Global Activists, colectivo internacional que colabora con la campaña de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para que la futura vacuna de […]

Afrobanyolina joins Catalunya Ràdio

Afrobanyolina Maria Bouabdellah joins the Adolescents iCat program on Catalan public radio, creating a new section in the youth radio program on social issues called “Proximity Activism”. Where this program has talked about the various police or racist attacks that the foreign community has had in recent months. Maria Boubdellah can also be found on Instagram @viiirginmeri where she also […]

Nueva Asociación unida en la red

Queremos dar la bienvenida a la Asociación Musulmana por los Derechos Humanos que se ha unido a la red ENWAD. Cada vez la red ENWAD se hace más grande y más diversa gracias a las diversas entidades que forma nuestra la red.

FRA press release: Coronavirus pandemic in the EU – Fundamental rights implications

Dear FRP Organisations, Today, FRA is publishing its fourth FRA Bulletin on the Coronavirus pandemic in the EU: fundamental rights implications, which looks at how EU Member States tackle the pandemic and the impact on fundamental rights. The bulletin covers measures in place in the 27 EU Member States from 1 to 30 June 2020 and shows: 1.   States of emergency: Many governments continue to lift states of emergency or equivalent […]

AfroCatalan debates with VOX youth representative

This video from the social network TEVE.CAT has been broadcast on his television program called #Youth where our colleague Anthony Sanchez comes out in a debate with Ivan Canovas of the youth of the right-wing party of Vox. Where Anthony is a young man from the Joves Nous Catalans organization where he represents Catalan and liberal ideology.